Don't worry, he didn't go down any hills in his "That'sabowl Toboggan", I just wanted a picture of him in the snow in it. Especially as so many people felt that it was an inappropriate snow vehicle- we agree, as soon as he was on the snow, he fell over.
I have been making Amish Friendship bread for a few months now. Ken really enjoys giving it out to neighbors. Two weeks ago I made one batch of Chocolate and one batch of Vanilla and cut it up and put pieces of each onto paper plates. I put plastic wrap around the plates and the combination of cheap paper plates and strong plastic wrap turned the treats into little paper plate taco's. Well I didn't really think the Taco's were that cute, but then I remembered that it is "Turkey Time", with the help of some construction paper, a glue stick and some tape, our Taco's turned into really cute Turkeys, with snoods and all! (I just learned what a snood was this week too, it is that red thing that hangs over the turkeys beak.) The Turkeys looked so good sitting on peoples porches that we might dress up our friendship bread that way until the end of the month.
So then we took our trip. I am learning quickly that Baby likes his bed, naps on our trip were not the best and so we let him sleep whenever he wanted. I must admit, I enjoyed holding my sleeping angel, I don't get to do this much anymore. We are still recovering and trying to reprogram the babies sleep habits from both our vacation and the time changed that happened a week before our trip.
So the crawling only got better and better while we were gone, I blame it on the open floor plan of T & L's house. When we got home our front room was not enough space for Baby. He has now discovered our kitchen and he wants to continue to discover more of the house every day. We do not have a baby gate. The only way I could get any cleaning done was to corral Baby. He has never been corralled and as such he didn't like it at first. I am currently in the process of trying to find a baby gate that will fit our house, unfortunately our smallest opening that I want to gate is 45 cheap gates seem to go past 41 inches. (Cheap being under $20).
Finally- I won this cake! And then I ate half of it! So much for losing weight this week. There are somethings that are very much worth it. Suffice it to say, I have not yet learned how to have my cake and eat less of it too. I froze a few pieces for later. Mmmmmm Rocky Road.
I have a gate in an opening that is about 47 inches wide and the gate can stretch even longer. It is made by evenflo and I think we found it at Toys R Us, but that was before Baby's R Us. You could look there. It is a metal frame that is padded with a soft dark purple material. The space is filled in with a nice, semi-stretching mesh. We have used this gate for three of our four children and it still has a lot of life left in it. It just opens up to press against the walls, or other immovable surface. That way you can move it around to where you want it. The price, if I remember correctly, wasn't too bad although I don't remember exactly how much it was, only that we were looking for something fairly inexpensive for our extreme poverty times.
That cake sure looks good. hehehe
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