Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Random acts of Cuteness
He is sitting up on his own and playing with toys- I have to prop this toy against a table or another large toy because he presses so hard on the buttons that it moves away from him and then he falls over. If he can avoid falling over he can play in the sitting up position easily for 15 minutes of more.
He also likes to play with a sippy cup while sitting up- the doctor said to let him start playing with cups now so that he could be completely used to them by the time he is 1 year old. He uses the cup as a chew toy mostly which is fine with me, better the cup than my fingers.
Ducky tubby, your the one, you make bath time lots of fun, Ducky Tubby I'm awfully fond of you.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A never-ending need
My ultimate goal is to be something more than I am; eventually, with a lot of help, I hope to be like Christ and like God. I am nowhere near meeting that goal. I know it is possible, in fact I have been given exact directions on how to do it, but like with most things that come with directions, I tend to try to figure it out myself instead of keeping the directions close by and following them closely. But I understand a little more today why I need to laminate those directions then put them on a string around my neck and refer to them several times each hour.
I have always loved what I call the Psalm of Nephi (2 Nephi 4:15-35). At one point he says “Nevertheless, notwithstanding the great goodness of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities. I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me. And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted.” (17-19)
This man was a prophet of God, and yet his soul was grieved because of his iniquities. I remember the first time I really thought about what he was saying, I was stunned, I knew that a prophet had to be worthy to receive revelation from God and yet there were times that even a prophet felt unworthy, when even a prophet felt that he had sinned. If someone as good as a prophet felt that he fell short, then what was going to happen to me, I make big mistakes. Even though it was more than a decade ago I also still remember the thought that entered my mind while I was pondering this prophets words. I understood for the first time that I and Nephi, and everyone else were all in similar situations; we all have a never-ending need, we all need to rely upon the power of our Saviors atonement.
At first we recognize the huge sins we have committed, they are the elephant in the room that cannot be ignored. By our actions we have separated ourselves from our God and we must repent of those sins to return to our Fathers presence. It was at this point that I also recognized what it truly means to have the Spirit, or the Holy Ghost, to be with me. If I am worthy and repentant the Spirit of the Lord, the Holy Ghost, will be my companion, and if I am in the presence of the Holy Ghost I am in the presence of a member of the Godhead, so in a way if I am practicing for the day that I can be, literally, in the presence of my Savior and my God. It is easy to recognize the Big Sins, usually we knew they were wrong long before we ever did them, but we made our choice and we chose wrong. All is not lost; we know we can repent.
So what happens next? Hopefully we don’t run out and commit more huge sins, but we also know that we are not perfect we are still making mistakes, we still sin, smaller mistakes, smaller sins, but we are still separating ourselves from our God and as such we find that we once again need to repent. And so the never-ending cycle continues. Basically, what I learned from this pondering upon Nephi’s words was this, the more we repent the more we see what we could change and what we could do better. When you are dealing with an Elephant in your living room you are probably not too bothered by the fly on the wall of that room, but once you get rid of the elephant suddenly the fly is very, very annoying. As we repent and become more in tune with the Spirit, we notice the smaller things we didn’t see before. That is what Nephi taught me, to repent so that I can become spiritually sensitive and able to more clearly see what I still need to change and fix and repent of.
Today that teaching mingled itself with the words of many other prophets who warn not to procrastinate the day of our repentance. I knew it was important- after all it takes a while to truly get rid of an Elephant, but it is not just the Elephant sized sins we need to worry about, it is all of the sins, even the little itsy bitsy ones that we can barely see. That is why we cannot afford to procrastinate, because if we do we may not have enough time to become spiritually sensitive enough to even see the bunny sized sins let alone the speck sized ones.
In the end, after all we have done, we are still going to be imperfect, we are still going to have made mistakes but if we have done all that we can our Savior will fill in our gaps and build us the bridge back to our God. I don’t want to get to that day and realize that I have not done all I could have done; I think that would truly be Hell.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fun with Uncle Paul
Here are the Baby’s stats from his 6-month checkup-
Weight- 18 pds. 15 oz. 76th percentile
Height- 27 & 2/3 in. 87th percentile
Head Circum.- 17 in. 30th percentile (still so very humble)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do or Do Without!
Then, more than a year later we brought the budget out again, this time we knew we would be having a baby within the next few months and thought it would be good to practice actually living within the family budget, it was much harder than I thought, because I always knew in the back of my mind that I was working and so we actually had more money then the budget said- so if we fudged a little it would still all work out just fine. Well in the past 6 months I have earned about $200, which is not much room to fudge.
So on Monday we pulled out the budget one more time and it was the right time to do it too! It is weird to say, but it was a fun and eye-opening experience. Fun? I know I am still trying to figure that one out myself, but it has really lit a fire inside me and this morning someone on the Today Show threw some more fuel on that fire and so I thought I would tell you about it.
We have a lot, I realize that, and my new fire is helping me recognize that I don’t really need anything more than what I already have. We have nice clothes, Most of them are free of holes and many of them are quite new, so I don’t need to go shopping for clothes. I have so many “Things” that I forget what I have, so I don’t need to buy myself more things. I know how to cook, so I probably should cook more and let Betty Crocker and Swanson and Red Baron cook for my family a little less. These are all ways I can save money and make our new budget work. I feel the fire inside telling me to be more like my grandparents and parents and “Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do or DO WITHOUT!” and I am actually excited to do this, I really, really, really feel like our family is going to be very blessed and very successful in our efforts to be more frugal.
Back to the Today Show, they were discussing Greed in America and really the entire financial crisis that our country finds itself in. Matt Lauer asked the two experts (they were really just financial journalists) if this most recent crisis was going to change America, if it was going to now be cool to live on less and be more frugal. NOOOOO was the response from one of the experts, this is not a direct quote but it is the way my mind processed it -the good times are not over, we will always find a way to spend. My opinion of her opinion- What a horrible, horrible misunderstanding of Good Times. Spending does not bring the Good Times, Security and Self Sufficiency bring the Good Times and as such I am going to try my hardest to “Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do or Do Without!” because I want my family to have Good Times now and in the future!
I will let you know how I do, good or bad. Wish me luck. I think I am also going to add a new phrase to my Affirmations “Frugal is Fun”.
(By the way- for those who are wondering how we are going to do Fun Things on our new budget- two words “Gift Cards”. If we have a gift card we can go out to dinner or the movies or anything else like that. Discovercard Cash Back Bonus awards will keep us in Restaurant Gift Cards for a while, but any movie theater gift card donations will be gladly accepted for birthdays, Christmas, or any day really. Ken is grateful for the gift card he got at Christmas that will allow him to continue to purchase DVD’s, as long as those DVD’s are for sale at the Sears in Fashion Place Mall.)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A New Best Friend
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hello-I'm done with my Nap!
The bumper actually came out today during the afternoon nap, I think it was getting to be too much fun to play with, and it had been spit up on. He went right back to sleep after its removal and now he kind of looks like he is in Jail.
Olympic Champions!
As you can see we swept the Medals in our category- (the Wheeler category)
Baby got Gold, I got Silver and Ken got Bronze.
After the 5k there were many other Olympic type activities, for example; Hula Hooping, Water Balloon Toss and Water Balloon Volleyball, Milk Jug Toss, a Potato Sack Race, face painting and of course a Dunk Tank. I never knew Ken was such an Amazing Dunker! At first he teased our Bishop, saying that he was just going to push the button.
But then he went back to the Line and let one go-
Hitting the Target perfectly
And finally, the Baby enjoyed his first romp in the grass!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Bambi and the Baby
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Thoughts inside my Head
The Baby and I are Nap Training, yes; my house is now the Nap Training Center and as with anyone’s stay any type of training facility, the first few days are going to be rough.
I have a pretty good baby, quite near angelic. He sleeps well at night and, up until a month or so ago, was doing ok with napping during the day. We were still following the “Put your baby down for a nap within 2 hours of him waking up from his previous nap rule” and when naps only last 30 minutes….it felt like he was taking 1,000,000 naps per day. The Healthy Sleep Habits guy made it seem like the baby would just start taking longer and fewer naps, my baby actually started taking more frequent shorter naps. This was a pretty good sign to me that both Baby and I needed to make a change.
So, It was about 2 weeks ago that I felt like it was time to get in a Nap Routine! I now believe that if we had started 2 weeks ago we would have had a good routine going by now. But NO- I, being Kate, checked out a book, it is a good book, it has put me to sleep a few times, and so it wasn’t until today that I got to the part about napping. (I actually checked it out 2 weeks ago but I thought that I should read from the beginning instead of skipping ahead to the good stuff, It has taken a while to get there because, as previously stated, it has put me to sleep on more than one occasion). So, Instead of getting right down to the nap training I waited two weeks, what has happened in those two weeks- baby has started teething.
The Sleep Lady gave me some good ideas this morning, and so, I had a plan for the day all mapped out in my head. So what did I do when the first “Thought” came along that didn’t match my plan? I ignored it, that is right, I said “Whoa, that is not on my map, I must follow my plan, stick to the plan, the plan will help us….” WRONG, baby woke up after 30 minutes, even though the plan clearly stated that the morning nap should last 90-120 minutes. So, I listened to him talk to himself, he did manage to go back to sleep for about 15 more minutes but then he woke up again and instead of talking he whined then cried. I went in to try to comfort him and help him go back to sleep and finish his nap. So I spent a half an hour sitting next to his crib, rubbing his back and his hand and he spent a half an hour trying his very best to get me to pick him up, he won. He spent 1 hour and 15 minutes in bed, sleeping only half of it.
I had planned to put him down for his next nap around noon, but he started to fall asleep while he was eating at 11 and so, remembering all I have learned from reading all the sleep books, I put him to bed “Drowsy, but awake” at 11:30, close enough to noon right? This time I ignored the pretty strong impression that I should let him play, or roll around on the floor, until noon and then put him down. So what happened? He did fall right to sleep, but 30 minutes later he was talking to himself, this time progressing to crying instead of falling back to sleep.
It was during those 30 minutes that I had the realization that I should follow thoughts and impressions the first time. So this time I went in to see the baby and did what I was impressed to do. Oddly I was impressed to change an only slightly wet diaper and then put the baby back in bed. He went back to sleep, he has stirred a few more times but we are not coming up on the 2 hour mark for this nap!!! Wish us luck- because I have had the thought several times now, that it is going to take a couple of weeks before we are professional nappers/nap trainers.
So the thought that sticks in my head now is this- If I know that my life is easier and days go by smoother if I follow the thoughts and impressions that I pray to receive each day, WHY IN THE WORLD do I ignore them the first time and try it my way. How do I remember each day, with each thought, that I need to follow the impressions the first time and not wait until I know, without a doubt, that I need help?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Between a Toy and a Soft Place
Here is how. As you can see from the picture below, the baby is stuck between a toy (the leg of his gym on the left) and a Soft Place (yes, it is another toy- a soft elephant puppet).
Many times recently I have been about the daily business of the house while he played, I would hear the distress signal and come running to find the baby had rolled into some very interesting positions that he didn’t seem to know how to get out of, and I was not quite sure how he got into (I have been telling Ken that we need a night vision camera for his room so we can see how he moves around his bed so well, now I want a camera for all the rooms- I am pretty sure we could win $100,000 on AFV, but Ken is still skeptical).
So back to my original thought, the baby made his life a little harder, he didn’t intend to get stuck, he tried to get out of his situation and I have seen him get out of similar situations before, but for some reason, these times he couldn’t and so he called on someone who had power to help him.
The baby is teething now. I think we are pretty lucky, I noticed the extreme amount of drool on Saturday night and sure enough when I felt around in his mouth there was a sharp little point. There was a slight rise in fussiness but it was easily attributed to poor napping over the past couple of days. He is such a happy little kid, my Sister C even asked my Dad at Dinner yesterday if I had been as happy a baby as our little boy seems to be, maybe it is genetic. Well as we tried to put him to bed last night our baby gave us a glimpse of what teething is really like.
We have only heard the Pain cry a couple of times, and then we were usually pretty good at figuring out the problem and getting rid of the pain. I have never felt so unprepared in my life, as franticly tried to figure out what I could do to take away his pain. In the end all I could do was give him Tylenol, feed him and Pray, basically I did what the baby does; I called on someone bigger, someone who has the power to help me.
Well, baby didn’t sleep horribly but he did wake up quite a few times. I got him up at 5:20 and let him suck an ice cube- which to my surprise, he loved. He went back to sleep about an hour and a half later and slept for 2 hours or more (the real reason I got my chores done so early today) and now he is my happy little baby again. I sure hope that God does not take pictures of us before he helps us out of the predicaments we get ourselves into, but if he does I hope the pictures of me between a toy and a soft place are as cute as the ones I have shared with you today.
Just to end, I have never felt so inspired and willing to follow the thoughts, impressions and promptings I seem to get, as I have been over the past 5 ½ months. I am pretty sure that this is a side effect of the amount that I am asking God for help. I hope I never forget the things I am learning and always remember that I can call on Him.
Friday, September 5, 2008
New Soul
Since having the baby I have seen so much of this "New Soul" in him that someday I want to put pictures of him together in a montage with this song in the background. I am not quite that talented, but Ken reminded me this morning that I do know people with just the right talents needed for me to realize my dream of the perfect video.
But since I came here,
felt the joy
and the fear
Finding myself
making every possible
(I don't have pictures for the next two verses, but you can listen until the end or scroll back up and enjoy the pictures a few more times)
New soul...
In this very strange world...
Every possible mistake
Possible mistake
Now to end, I must say, the baby is the exact opposite of a mistake, but I sure get some good pictures of him learning how to use his brand new body. It must be odd to be a new soul.