Friday, May 20, 2011

Spring Sprang!

They did it, the flowers on the trees started to bloom! If only it wasn't raining 75% of the time. Last weekend I did take a moment to visit with the flowers. I think they were pleased. These are some pretty pink flowered trees down the street from my house.
J is getting pretty good at singing songs, one of his favorites (or my favorites really) is Popcorn Popping- So I tried to point out that Popcorn was popping EVERYWHERE! It is true, they are not Apricot trees, but these little white flowered trees are all over in our neighborhood. So if you hear J scream POPCORN as we drive past, it's probably because he sees a tree.
And here are my Lilac's, I love how they smell. Lilac's make me happy, I hope to have them near me wherever I live.
So there you have it, Spring has Sprung. Digital Proof. I also planted our garden last week. Tomatoes, Peppers, Onions, Sugar Peas, Strawberries, Spaghetti Squash and Crookneck Squash. I am hoping for a good harvest this year.
I also put some marigolds in amongst my veggies, it just seemed like a good thing to do.

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