Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The First day of the First Grade

 Have you ever discovered that you were a superhero?
J has!
Even though he's a superhero, he's still my very first baby and I am having a very hard time believing that he is in the 1st grade! But today he was up bright and early and ready to go to school. If he had had it his way he would have been down at the bus stop an hour early......luckily I convinced him that he needed to eat a good breakfast and get dressed.
 I did let him go to the bus 5 minutes early, if this had been a video you'd be able to hear B say "there's the BUS!" and J call to all the people behind him in line, motioning that they should all come forward and get ready to start the next phase of their lives.
 And with that, they were off!
 Seven hours later, a happy little first grader got off the bus. I asked him if he had had fun, he said that he had because they had played a game. I asked him if he liked Kindergarten or first grade better. He said Kindergarten because when you are in Kindergarten you get SNACKS before recess.
It was rainy today, and so not only were there no snacks before recess but they also didn't get to go outside for recess. I have a feeling, that between lunch at school and a few days of recess on the big kid playground,  the joys of Kindergarten will be nothing but a sweet memory for this big kid!

There will be changes for me this year too. I signed up to be J's Room Mother. Still not quite sure what it entails, BUT I did it. J's teacher named Miss Earl. This is her first class. Technically she is an intern, she will graduate with her teaching degree in December. She has 23 students which is, I think, about 2/3 (or maybe 3/4) the size of the typical 1st grade class at our school. I noticed that no one was listed as the room mother on the volunteer sign up sheet at back to school night, and so I volunteered. I'm sure I'll share more about my adventures in room mothering just as soon as they start.

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