Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, Monday (La, Laaaaa, La la la Laaaa)

So, today I intended to clean the kitchen, and I did do the dishes......but I also made bread (best  yet!). I also did some laundry, visited with friends at the park, took some flowers to some other friends who've been stuck inside with sick kids and made a pretty good dinner.

Made a Cake, from scratch- It looks and smells super yummy. I am 95% sure I will be able to resist it until Ken takes it to work tomorrow. I am also 95% sure that I want him to bring home at least 1 piece.

While I was making dinner, Ken and the boys worked out in the back yard, weeding and getting it ready for planting our garden. I'm really excited about our garden this year. After dinner we played a game that Ken and I made up (well, the Primary Manual gave us the game board but we made the game cards specifically to help our boys learn to make good choices. One of the questions for the game was "My Brother is sleeping, but I want to play with him. What should I do? J knew the answer- "don't climb in his bed") Then after the game we had watermelon while we sat on the front porch. Not much cuter than those boys.

 Soon after finishing our watermelon the boys were dressed for bed and going about their night time ritual of reading books with Dad or Mom. They are sleeping in the same room again tonight and I really don't remember hearing a peep out of them once their door was closed. 

J and I are going to deep clean his room on Thursday (which is bedroom cleaning day) and then B is going to start taking naps on J's toddler bed. If he stays in bed then Ken and I are thinking we might set up some bunk beds and make this room sharing thing permanent. Fun Times ahead here at the Wheeler House!

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