Ken didn't have much time off after J was born. I was freaked out, of course, and tired and that first week we were home my Mom came and helped out in the mornings so that I could rest. This was very necessary because little J didn't realize he needed to sleep. Silly J.
This time Ken was able to take Paternity Leave, and he was home for 3 weeks! It was blissful, but I think I should have taken more advantage of the opportunity to nap while he was here, because now I am very tired, and I am all by myself with two very sweet boys. I didn't feel as much need to nap while Ken was here with us because he helped out with the baby at night, so I could get more sleep. Monday night I took care of the baby all by myself, this wouldn't be so bad, but I, myself, had a bad nights sleep, I couldn't get my brain to turn off when it needed too, and I lost at least 1 precious hour of sleep worrying about the carpet- that is right, my dirty carpet kept me awake.
That loss of sleep, combined with the fact that this sweet little guy.....
Ken left for work around 6:30, I had been up with Billy for almost an hour, and I got him to go to sleep as soon as I possibly could (this was Miracle #1 because he slept for almost 2 hours) then I was able to say my personal prayers, read my scriptures and close my eyes for 15-20 minutes before J woke up.
I started making breakfast and thought I would do the dishes while my eggs cooked. For some reason I had to leave the kitchen, upon my return I found J making his breakfast, or so he thought. He had taken a bowl out of the dishwasher- it was the bowl that we usually use to scramble our eggs- and he had taken the eggs out of the refrigerator, he looked at me and smiled and said "Eggies, Yum!" at which point I told him that yes, eggs were yummy but he wasn't allowed to make them himself and I took the eggs away. He was soon pacified with a portion of my eggs that had just finished cooking. After breakfast I continued to do the dished and J played in the front room, I could hear him playing with the phone but I didn't think he could actually call anyone. After all he usually hits the "END" button after every 2 or 3 other buttons he pushes. Well, I was wrong. A few minutes later Ken called from work to tell me that he had just received a call from one of the people he carpools with, apparently J had managed to make a call- to the last person who had called us- and it just so happened to be Ken's carpool buddy. I am sure there were plenty of laughs about that at CHG. I was able to laugh about it too. It was right about this time that Baby B woke up. With a SNOTTY NOSE!
Miracle #2- I was actually able to use the nose bulb thing- and the baby wasn't congested the rest of the day!
I got J settled downstairs, watching episode after episode of Little Einsteins and I was able to get the baby fed, changed, cuddled and down for his second nap by 10, this was Miracle #3 because the baby had not gone down for 2 naps so easily since he got over his newborn sleepiness. And it was perfect timing because within the next hour J would appear to test my faith and patience in a big way.
I heard him calling for me, "Mom, I need help!" he said. "Help with what?" I asked as I walked toward the stairs, he came around the corner at the bottom of the stairs, COMPLETELY NAKED. "Poop, need wipes" he said. I felt calm, in fact I think I even giggled a little, and J and I worked together to get him cleaned up and then we had some one on one time. I think this was Miracle #4. Little J needed some time just with Mommy. We read books. One of J's current favorites is "If you give a Moose a Muffin", we read that one 3 times and then J asked for a muffin, and then another, and then another.
I slept better last night- probably from exhaustion. Today has been good, I think I can handle this. I don't expect to ever feel like a perfect mother, but yesterday I felt competent, and that was Miracle #5.
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