But really, Mother Nature! SNOW! It is the last week of May you know.
I do remember a time, long ago, when a snow storm hit after the leaves were on the trees, I remember it well because I had a Final in my Italian Diction Class and I was about to leave to go up the the University to take, aka Sing, that final. Just a few minutes before I left Little T (he was little back then because it was a long time ago) ran into my house and said, "Katie, there's a tree on your car!" I thought, wow that willow must be hanging low so I went to the window to take a look. And what did my wondering eyes behold? The Willow had broken in Half and sure enough, Half of is was on my car, limbs through my windshield and the rear window, it was not a beautiful sight. Luckily my teacher agreed to let me postpone my final by a few days, IF I could provide photographic proof that there really was a tree on top of my car. I was able too do just that. Finals week at the University is in April....but it is May now. So what is up with this snow.
Stay strong, little plants!
Although it's strange to SNOW this late, it's actually normal to have a late frost in our region. Meaning it gets below 30 at night. I watch Weatherbug closely to see if it'll dip that low. So it's usually safe to plant seeds mid-May but we wait until after the last frost to put out live plants. Or you can get wall o'Waters to put around each plant, if you insist. The water in them warms during the day and keeps them protected at night.
But that doesn't help you now. Good job protecting them with what you have! Hopefully they'll hang in there. Yay for gardens!
Thanks to your snow and harsh winter, we here in AZ have enjoyed a nice winter and cool spring. The weather is usually connected. Bad for Utah, good for AZ. So Thanks! :) On the flip side though, now you're seeing sunshine and we're enduring 110 degree heat.
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