Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Thoughts

I was really excited for Christmas. Basically because I had high hopes that J would love all of the fun presents. Originally it was going to be a table and chairs plus an easel and maybe some art supplies, but we were blessed to be able to get some add-on's too, like the froggy seat cushions, the Igloo tent and the city/road map rug. He loves the frogs even more than I expected, I caught him trying to hug one today.
The table is perfect and the various art supplies are loved beyond measure. It amazes me how this little boy will sit down and draw or color. The "Washable" Crayons and Markers are also quite mind blowing.

The easel has been a pretty big hit as well, though he did get offended the first time I tore off the used piece of paper.
Most everything has been moved downstairs and within a few days I hope to have it all in place in the "Children's Art Area". It has been my dream, my happy thoughts, for so long, it is hard to believe that it has come true. Guess I need a new dream.

1 comment:

HiccupMeL said...

I love how he poses with all of the furniture. You've got yourself a model on your hands. So cute with his short hair too!