Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I Feel Blessed!

I haven't gone food shopping for the past couple of weeks because we are trying our very best to stick to our budget, and for some reason we were able to spend $120 on food in the first two weeks of the month. We have been fine, we have a freezer full of meals and a stocked pantry, but I have missed the fresh fruits and vegetables. I have even longed for an orange or some squash several times. It is kind of odd, I know. I have missed tomatoes the most.

Times are tough everywhere, and I have been proud of our desire to really stick to our budget, and to tell you the truth it has been pretty easy to say no to myself, when I found myself wanting to buy something we didn't need, because I knew we would be blessed to have what we really needed. We have been paying our Tithing and other offerings and trying our best to follow the counsel of our Leaders.....but I still really wanted some FRESH FRUIT!!!

Then today, just minutes ago really, I got my email from the Food Co-Op. Saturday is the day that we get to pick up this months food, and oh boy do I feel like someone up there in Heaven likes me!

Check this out- we paid $14 for this.

"Harvest Share

  • 6 zucchini (from East Farms*)
  • 3 green onions (from East Farms)
  • 1 package of carrots (from East Farms)
  • 6 pears
  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • 1 bag red potatoes (5 lbs)
  • 1 bag of cherries (2 lbs, locally grown from Tagge's Fruit**)
  • 1 package of cherry tomatoes
  • 18 (yes, 18) apricots from Tagge's Fruit

  • Stone Ground's Artisan Wheat Loaf
  • 16 oz. rice (white or brown)

*East Farms provides the Co-op with our Farmer's Market shares, and other produce that is grown locally and to organic standards.

** Tagge's Fruit is a Utah company with fruit orchards near Willard Bay and Bear Lake. They've provided us with fresh fruits, jam, and salsa in the past."

I was so excited that I had to share it with all of you. Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm, I can taste those apricots now! And Cherries! Local, Fresh Cherries! And Tomatoes, oh, how I have missed you tomatoes.


Rachel said...

I must know more about this co-op you speak of.... how do I get in on the gig?

Arit said...

Lucky! We were out of town on the 10th when we were supposed to order and I completely spaced it. We do have a TON of veggies from our garden (most of which is in the co-op order), but the fruit for this month sounds SOOO good! Oh well, we will make sure and order on time next month. Glad you get to pick up your order on Sat. Enjoy!!