Baby B is 9 months old now! He is quite the character and we love him lots and lots and lots!
He weighs 24 pounds and 1 ounce- which is the 92nd Percentile.
He is 30 inches tall, which puts him in the 93rd Percentile.
Here are some of the things Baby B likes to do.
He likes to sit! And sit and sit and sit! He likes to play with and taste anything he can get his hands on. His brother J does not appreciate the fact that B likes to play with toys, J still thinks he is the only one who should touch the toys.
He likes to eat- and is learning how to feed himself! He loves Finger-foods, but he is kind of a little glutton and tries to get as much food into his hands as possible, then only a few pieces of the food actually get into his mouth. So for now I try to only give him 2 or 3 bits of food, all spaced far apart on his tray.Here is a picture of his first time eating non-pureed mixed vegetables. It is also when I figured out that I can't just plop down a bunch of food. I pick up a lot of veggies off the floor that day, but B had tons of fun, so it was worth it.
Our Little B still likes to be swaddled and have his head covered when he sleeps, I think this is his quirkiest quirk. I do my best to make sure his nose and mouth are not covered, but he has been known to get his hand free, reach up and pull the blanket down farther over his face.
And Finally- B's favorite thing to do is play with his brother. I love hearing the big belly laughs that J can magically produce from his little brother. J also knows how to get his brother to cry, I am working on getting him to understand that Mom like to hears laughing much better than crying. J and B rough house- I never expected this, BUT, B likes it when J sits on top of him (most of the time) and B loves to sit on top of J- though I have to help to get that to work.
Yay for 9 months!!! He is super cute! I love that he has to be swaddled with his head covered. So funny! Fanny really doesn't like when Nora plays with her toys either. She is generally pretty good at sharing, but for some reason Nora always wants what Fanny has just lined up or what Fanny is playing with at the moment, and that drives Fanny CRAZY!! Your boys look super happy. I love that they enjoy wrestling together. By the way, you look FABULOUS!!! We miss you guys!!
He is the funniest swaddled baby ever. SO good that he sleeps well though! When he gets older he's going to be one of those manly men who wear a cute little satiny sleep mask at night. Well I've never met them but I've seen them in movies. Cute boy.
He is so dang cute!
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